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Sunnyside Primary Academy



At Sunnyside Primary Academy we place an emphasis on pride in our community. A visible indication of this is in the standard of our pupils’ uniform.  

Having a school uniform is important because it:

  • Builds a sense of identity and belonging
  • Instils a sense of pride in the Academy
  • Protects children from social pressures
  • Encourages positive behaviour
  • Is practical and smart and prepares children for the future world of work.

We expect all our pupils to wear the full Academy uniform.


Pupils in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4:

  • Academy polo shirt (plain white polo shirts may also be worn)
  • Grey trousers or skirt
  • Academy jumper or cardigan, in purple, with the Academy logo
  • Black, grey or white socks/tights
  • Purple checked summer dress or tailored shorts in warmer weather
  • Sensible black shoes (not trainers)
  • Academy book bag or small plain rucksack.

Pupils in Years 5 and 6:

  • Plain white school shirt (not polo shirt) with full button-up collar
  • Academy tie
  • Grey trousers or skirt
  • Academy jumper or cardigan, in purple, with the Academy logo
  • Black, grey or white socks/tights
  • Purple checked summer dress or tailored shorts in warmer weather
  • Sensible black shoes (not trainers)
  • Academy book bag or small plain rucksack.

For PE all children need:

  • Academy sports top
  • Black shorts
  • Plain black tracksuit (no sports brand logos)
  • A pair of plimsolls or suitable trainers for outdoor PE


  • Children should have a waterproof coat with them every day and will need a warm coat in colder seasons. 


For safety reasons, only stud earrings are allowed and then only one earring in each ear lobe.  Any child who elects to have their nose pierced or additional ear piercings will have to remove these during school times.  Inexpensive watches may be worn, but not smart watches.  It is the child’s responsibility to look after these articles.

NO JEWELLERY may be worn during PE lessons or sporting activities.


Excessive hairstyles are strongly discouraged; it is expected that children will come to school with a practical and manageable hairstyle. ‘Cuts’ of any shape or design, including 'Mohican' styles, are not allowed, nor are multiple hair colours. We recommend that long hair is tied back at all times. All hair accessories should be modest. 

Make up and Cosmetics

Make up, cosmetics, nail varnish and false nails are not considered appropriate or consistent with our Academy uniform and pupils will be asked to remove them. The Academy does not permit such products to be worn by any child unless there is a specific event for which the Principal has given permission.

Our Academy Uniform Policy is attached below.

Ordering School Uniform

Price and Buckland is our Uniform supplier - you can order directly from them using the link below.

UK’s Leading School Uniform Supplier - Price & Buckland (

Selecting Sunnyside Primary Academy

Pupil Premium

If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, we can support you with uniform.  Please contact the school office for more information.